Custom Prosthetic Liners

The pin locking liner system offers better suspension and residual limb protection, especially when used with our “in house” custom fabricated anatomically correct silicone locking liners. This design is our standard of excellence, and Precision Prosthetics, Inc. of Memphis is one of the few places on this planet that offers this technology. While most prosthetists view this design of “home-made” liner to be too much trouble, we have embraced this concept, since its beginning in 1988, and turned it into a system that only amputees treated at Precision get the benefit from.
Benefits From This Design Are As Follows:
- First of all and most important is the absence of sweat/perspiration inside the socket against the skin of the residual limb. When properly fitted, this liner offers a dryer environment for the residual limb, all day, no matter the ambient temperature. When the liner is removed at the end of the day, no sweat will pour out on the floor, as seen with prefabricated/off-the-shelf liners.
- The second most important feature Is better socket stabilization to the residual limb, due to less stretching in the bottom third of the liner, when it must suspend the prosthesis during swing phase of the gait cycle. Our liners do not stretch, which keeps the prosthesis held onto the residual limb more securely.
- The inherent stability and toughness of our liners make them the most durable liner an amputee can use. Even though we recommend that a person get new replacement liners within 6 months to a year, we have seen people come in that have been wearing just one liner for a few years!
- These liners have been a real plus to Precision Prosthetics’ (Memphis) growth and continued success. Most people that have had to leave our care due to insurance reasons cannot wait to get back to get our liners back on.